For twenty years, I'd politely listened to Ken's musical choices while driving, offering pleasant commentary : The words are good but I don't like that slide guitar-thing. That fiddle player needs to relax. Her twang-y voice is giving me a tic. As soon as I'd drive anywhere alone, the dial would turn. But truly ~ rock, pop, and alternative music has mostly wretched words. No stories. No charm. And while I must occasionally turn down the country volume due to raunchy, immoral lyrics (Men who sing about women shaking their "rock and roll thang" get no play time in the huge Howell van.), it stays put plenty enough.
After two decades, I finally realize that this is the place to hear heart-warming, tear-jerking, downright funny tunes about love, family and children. And of course the hunting dog and old truck.
I submit to you these gems, all of which, by the way, are popular. Gives me a bit of hope regarding our moral fiber!
For Daddies and Daughters :
For Daddies and Sons :
For Marriages :
And for our Good Old USA :
Humming away with my fingers on the dial just in case,