Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our Lenten Week

After a good cry a few days ago  (I don't even remember when ; it's Her Fault!) over my utter lack of preparation for Lent, I drank another mug of coffee  (possibly a pot), mopped myself up, gathered my sleepy brain cells, and devised a Plan :

*Family fast  (Personal penances private)
*Weekly "Pray, Fast, Give" focus
*Scripture passage to memorize together

So for the week ahead, we will think about Jesus' wounded Hands, and ~

Pray -- for priests whose hands bring us the Eucharist,
Fast --  from rough handling of each other and our material goods,
Give -- our own hands for a kind act each day.

And we're working on this beginning of a section of Tobit :

"Through all your days, my son, keep the Lord in mind and suppress every desire to sin or to break His commandments."  (4:5)

Since it has been just four days, there are minimal discernments or discoveries, other than how embarrassingly close I am to pawning my van for a cookie.  But this introspection and God-spection is hard work.  Good work.  Training-the-will work.

"Lent must renew in us our union with Jesus Who speaks to us of the need of conversion and shows us the way to reach it.  The Church, a wise and loving Mother, suggests useful ways to reach this wonderful purpose ; these are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving."  (Pope John Paul II)

All for Him,


  1. Sometimes our lived provide Lent for us. Don't be upset just let God take care of those details.

    1. Oh, thank you for these words! I've visited your blogs and read bits and pieces, but haven't written yet. Twins! How wonderful! Love, A
